Month: May 2021

Privacy practices

Mailing list privacy practices You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting us at We will treat your information with respect. By signing up for my mailing list, you agree that we may process your information …

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Green stoles

Green is the color for Ordinary Time – the time not encompassed in the other liturgical seasons. The following stoles have been designed with Ordinary Time in mind:

white paint on burlap

White stoles

White is the liturgical color for Christmas, Maundy Thursday, Easter, Trinity Sunday, All Saints’ Day, Reign of Christ Sunday, baptisms, weddings, and funerals. The following stoles have been designed with these seasons in mind:

Red paint on burlap

Red stoles

Red: the liturgical color of celebration. Red is the color for Pentecost, Palm/Passion Sunday, Reformation Day, and ordinations. The following stoles have been designed with these seasons in mind:

Blue burlap

Blue stoles

In some traditions, blue is the liturgical color for Advent.


All reclaimed burlap coffee sack stoles can be made with a gradation rather than a solid color for the paint, at an additional cost of $10 per stole. My Pentecost stoles have a red/orange/yellow gradation as an option. For other stoles, if you would like a rainbow gradation or another gradation (for example, a bright …

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Welcome You shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace;the mountains and hills before you shall burst into song,And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. – Isaiah 55:12 Doesn’t that sound great??!! Thank you for looking at the stoles in my shop. My goal is to create stoles that …

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Small batch printed stoles

These stoles are made from fabric I have designed specifically for stoles – the designs are made for the long, thin shape of a stole. I have my designs printed onto high quality 100% cotton material, then I cut, line, sew, and finish them at my home studio in Vermont.